Advent Prayer
Lord, in this Advent season,
May I wait with hope renewed,
For Your birth gave every reason
To have faith in You.
Candles on an Advent wreath
Remind me that You are Light;
May I have faith that all I need
Is already in Your sight.
In this time of preparation
May I receive the grace
To hope in Christmas celebration
Of Your love’s embrace.
Pandemic Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Almighty and yet all-loving,
we have come to know first-hand
the fragility of humankind.
We pray for your mercy
upon those who are sick
and the multitudes who fear.
Lord Jesus,
loving Savior who experienced
our humanity, You taught us
To have faith.
We pray that mandates
Meant to keep people apart
Will bring us together in spirit,
Closer than ever to You.
Holy Spirit,
You have come in gentle breath,
the sound of driving wind,
and in appearance as of fire.
We pray for gentle caregivers
and all who need strength now
in the fire of Your love.
Prayer for Travelers
On our journey of faith, Lord,
You are with us wherever we go.
Please keep travelers safe
As highways and byways lead them
To the embrace of loved ones waiting.
When they depart again for home,
Godspeed along the way.
May the happiness of time together
Stay within their hearts.
Lord, may every mile here on Earth
Bring us closer to You.
Prayer in Devastation
Heavenly Father, I pray
for people who are facing
damage wrought by wind, water,
fire, or human violence.
please give them strength,
for the devastation can be
spiritual too.
For all whose lives are
forever changed
by injury or tragic loss,
and for those trying to help
in any way,
I pray for blessing upon
every courier of Your love
and every heart in need.
Marian Prayer of Hope
Blessed Virgin Mary,
Please join with me in hope-filled prayer
That my bearing on this day
Will proclaim God’s goodness and care.
Handmaiden of the Lord,
Close to your Son and our Savior,
Please pray for me to serve well,
Helped by His love, mercy, and favor.
Mary, Queen of Heaven,
Please ask Jesus to help me see
The way that I should follow,
Grateful that the Lord has chosen me.
An Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that You are present,
In the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
~Saint Alphonsus Liguori
For Faith at All Times
Lord Jesus,
In each new day,
Let me be open to faith renewed.
If I awaken refreshed,
May I remember that You have given me rest.
If there is pain,
May Your light come over me to reduce its shadow.
Throughout the day,
Let me be open to faith renewed.
Should a visitor come,
May the welcome I extend come from You.
When I am lonely,
May Your compassion fill the emptiness.
At this day’s end,
Let me be open to faith renewed.
If the answer to a prayer has come,
May I give bounteous thanks.
If I come before You in supplication,
May You find me also attentive to Your response.
At all times,
Let me be open to faith renewed.
Prayer Before Mass
Heavenly Father,
Your word is creative
Sustaining all that You have made.
In the words of Holy Scripture,
You speak life-giving words to us.
Lord Jesus,
You gathered the disciples at table,
Giving us sacred bread and wine.
Through the Holy Eucharist,
You nourish Your body, the Church.
Holy Spirit,
You came to dwell within us,
Providing oneness though we are many.
In the gifts given to each,
You complete what we begin in faith.
Prayer In Time of Illness and Struggle
You have suffered so much for my sake.
When your example is difficult to follow,
Strengthen me in faith.
When the pain of body, mind or spirit
Leave me feeling abandoned and alone,
Hold me in Your loving embrace.
In every moment, there is purpose.
In every prayer, there is hope.
In You, there is life everlasting.
Prayer in Time of Grief
Loving God,
Saying good-bye fills me with sorrow,
For love remains in my heart,
When I long to share tomorrow
But from my beloved am apart.
Days seem better with my loved one here,
And so I envision how
With soul to the Risen Lord drawn near,
Heaven’s more heavenly now.
The lord went before us to prepare
A place for all who believe;
In faith, may we, ever in Your care,
Rejoice in love eternally.
*The prayers on this web page are from Heart of the Nation and have the bishop’s imprimatur, meaning that they are all approved Catholic prayers. These prayers may be used at home, in meetings, or on other occasions for not-for-profit purposes. If you publish the prayers please credit Heart of the Nation.