Filled with symbolism during persecution of the early Church, the Book of Revelation admonishes lukewarm Christians to become fervent in good works, acceptance of the Word, and repentance. People told a blind, roadside beggar to stop shouting for Jesus to have pity on him, but Jesus called the man over and cured him. A wealthy tax collector named Zacchaeus climbed a tree to get a look at Jesus. After calling him down from his perch, Jesus went to Zacchaeus’ house, telling the disgruntled crowd that He came to seek the lost. Under Mosaic law,

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In a rare display of fury, Jesus made a whip, slashed it around, and overturned tables to drive merchants out of the temple area. Asked for a sign, He said that if people destroyed the Temple, He would raise it in three days. Bystanders thought He meant the building. He meant His Body. Some Pharisees asked when the Kingdom of God would come, and Jesus said they stood in its midst. The Lord’s ministry had its up’s and down’s. He cured ten lepers, but only one returned to give thanks. Jesus instructed the Apostles, privileged in their calli

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In a parable, invited guests made excuses not to attend a feast. The host then had a servant gather people off the street—the poor, crippled, and blind who would gratefully attend. Jesus welcomes anyone to come to Him. He also searches for the lost and rejoices to have repentant sinners with Him. Another parable described a rich man’s wily steward who reduced the amounts on promissory notes to earn the gratitude of debtors who might later help him out. The Lord knows about kindnesses offered without calling in a chit and rewards such genero

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Jesus saw a crippled woman in the synagogue, called her over, and cured her on the Sabbath. God does not always wait for us to ask before rendering His help. At the home of a Pharisee, Jesus asked the assembled leaders and scholars of the law whether He could lawfully heal someone there on a Sabbath day. No one answered, and Jesus healed the sick man anyway. Then Jesus asked if anyone would fail to rescue a person or animal trapped in a cistern on the Sabbath. No one answered that question, either. After a night in prayer, the Lord chose the Tw

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God creates each person for good works and provides everything needed for salvation. Scripture recounts the parable of a man who plans to live it up for years after a bountiful harvest but does not live even one more day. Jesus told the story, challenging the faithful not to store up earthly treasure at the expense of what matters to God. This week’s readings use various images for the Lord and His Church. Picture Jesus as the top, wedge-shaped stone that holds an arched entranceway together, central to the faithful who become part of a Churc

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Jonah warned the Ninevites to repent, and they did. The Queen of Sheba heard about the wisdom of Solomon and went to him with questions. Jesus offered something greater—the key to understanding the law and prophets. Still, the Pharisees and scholars failed to listen to the knowledge He opened to them. Worse yet, those pedantic leaders prevented others from coming into Jesus’ way of seeing things. Skipping the ritual washing before a meal to help make His point, the Lord advised the Pharisees to work on cleansing evil from within themselves.

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Knowing the Commandments to love God and neighbor, a scholar of the law asked Jesus to define neighbor. Jesus answered with the parable of a man robbed, severely beaten, and ignored by two passers-by. Listeners would have pegged a Samaritan as no good, but he treated the victim with neighborly compassion. In another parable, Jesus depicted a traveler arriving late at night, prompting his host to knock on a friend’s door to borrow some bread to serve as a midnight snack. The friend who finally got up illustrated God’s responsiveness to the f

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