Jesus called His followers “light of the world.” Good works shine as a beacon of hope in Him. Preaching the Beatitudes, the Lord recognized that people become downtrodden, mourn, find it hard to obey instead of going their own way, and experience injustice even if they show mercy. The Lord said that believers serve as “salt of the earth.” Impurities cause salt to lose its flavor. Surrounded by other influences, some in the crowds lost the taste for following Him. They had the Law handed down by Moses on stone tablets but failed to envis

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Pharisees begrudgingly paid taxes so that the Romans would not interfere with their religious authority. Herodians, a political group, backed the Roman Empire. In an unlikely alliance, they cunningly asked Jesus if He regarded a census tax as lawful. The Lord said to repay to Caesar and to God what belonged to each. Sadducees denied resurrection and smugly asked Jesus whose wife a remarried widow becomes in the next life. Jesus said they underestimated God’s power. Although He criticized scribes who used their legal expertise to defraud widow

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Peter pointed out that the Disciples had given up everything. Jesus responded that anyone who sacrifices for the Lord will receive a hundred times more in blessings here (despite hardships), and eternal life besides. After Jesus listened to the request that James and John receive places of honor in His Kingdom, the Lord advised that the greatest one serves everyone else. Jesus came to serve and granted many requests made of Him. When a blind man named Bartimaeus repeatedly called out to Him, the Lord rewarded his persistent faith by giving him

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As the Crucifixion loomed before Him, Jesus told the Disciples that He would rely on the Father when His friends scattered. Lessening the sting of His words, Jesus said that He wanted them to have peace. Jesus prayed that the Father would protect them, helping them to remain dedicated to the truth and its proclamation. Following the Resurrection, the Lord had a seaside breakfast with Peter and half a dozen other Disciples. Knowing that Peter had denied even knowing Him three times before the Crucifixion, our forgiving Savior encouraged him to s

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Jesus had much that He wanted to tell the Apostles before the Crucifixion, but He didn’t want to overwhelm them. He saw his closest friends already grieving as they realized that Jesus would soon depart. On the bright side, the Lord said that they would see Him again soon and, not only that, but would receive the Holy Spirit to guide them. Whatever they needed, the Father would give them. After the Ascension of the Lord, the Acts of the Apostles relate mixed reactions to their preaching. In Athens, for instance, Saint Paul talked about Jesus

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Jesus compared Himself to a vine, the heavenly Father to a vine grower, and His followers to the branches. A vine grower faithfully does some cutting back during the dormant season, allowing for new growth in the spring. Jesus would soon ascend to heaven, beginning a new season for the Disciples. The Lord prepared them for the upcoming experiences of joyful acceptance of their preaching by some but menacing persecution by others. He showed them that love would enable them to handle whatever cropped up. When we find our faith withering, do we pr

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People accused Jesus of leaving them in suspense, even though He had already said that He was the Christ. Like the gate of a sheepfold, Jesus provides the way to salvation through all of the in’s and out’s of life. He came to save, not to condemn. Disobedience and disbelief get in the way of the gate to salvation. On the other hand, the Lord said that anyone—absolutely anyone—who believes can do the work He began and much more. The Lord told the Disciples that He would go head of them to prepare their places in the Father’s house. He

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