Admittedly unworthy to have Jesus under his roof, a centurion sent friends to ask that the Lord cure his servant from a distance. Observing a funeral procession, Jesus raised a widow’s only son from the dead. At the home of a Pharisee, a sinful woman approached Jesus, washed His feet with her tears, dried them with her hair, and applied some ointment. What the Pharisee regarded as impudence (what nerve!), Jesus recognized as love. Has faith planted in our hearts grown enough for us to trust that when we ask the Lord to just say the word, He a
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People sought to touch the Lord or even just His clothes, hoping for healing through Him. Proclaiming that the poor, the hungry, the distraught, and those despised because of Him were also blessed, Jesus sought to touch the hearts of His sometimes bewildered followers. Before the Crucifixion, Jesus entrusted care of His mother to a beloved Disciple. When we fall short of Jesus’ challenge to be merciful, just as the Father is merciful, can we at least give thanks for relationships in which we find that the more we love, the more forgiving we b
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