Author Archives: Heart of the Nation

Sirach, a sage in the second century before Christ, keenly observed how people reacted to adversity and gave advice. Jesus came with infinite wisdom to offer. Before healing a boy wracked with convulsions, He said that faith makes anything possible. The boy's father prayed to help his own unbelief. When the Disciples later asked why their efforts to heal the boy had failed, the Lord explained that prayer was the key. Jesus surprised the Disciples with his teachings about esteem and humble service. Instead of regarding children who came to Jesus

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Noah lived righteously, although humanity became hopelessly mired in sin after Cain, one of Adam and Eve's sons, killed his brother in rivalrous resentment. After sparing only Noah, his family, and animals in an ark, God made the rainbow a sign of His promise never to flood the world again. To address the overarching vanity of people who later decided to make a name for themselves by building a city with a sky-high tower, God confused their language. Unable to communicate with each other, the people abandoned the city of Babel and scattered. Je

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Adam and Eve disobediently ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and God banished them from the garden of Eden to prevent their eating from the tree of eternal life, too. Scribes and Pharisees saw some of Jesus' disciples skipping ritual handwashing, but the Lord taught that defilement results from evil thoughts and deeds originating within a person. Hypocritical leaders also allowed qorban, donations to the Temple treasury still available for the donor's personal use-but not for the support of aging parents. When a Gentile begged Je

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Although a large crowd surrounded Jesus, the Lord would not neglect individuals in need. Jairus, a synagogue official, begged Jesus to help his daughter. When a messenger brought word that the 12-year-old girl had died, Jesus continued to the house and raised her in the presence of Peter, James, John, and the child's parents. On the way, a woman fearfully admitted that she had touched the Lord's cloak without asking in her desperate hope for healing. Jesus did not take back the miracle. Sent in pairs, the Twelve packed nothing but accomplished

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In the early Church, the Letter to the Hebrews urged the faithful to gather together and encourage one another. Jesus' perfect sacrifice took away sins. He regards anyone who does the will of the Father as family, and He will return to accompany people into salvation. Picturing receptiveness to the Word of God like seed falling on different types of ground, Jesus also said that a tiny mustard seed can become a huge plant. Even with the Lord in the same boat with us, we sometimes feel as if He sleeps through what terrifies us. Knowing that nothi

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Jesus knew that the Father could spare Him the agony of the Cross. He completely understood people's desire for God to ask less of them. Offering a new Way, Jesus taught that a patchwork of old, rigidly applied rules ripped away faith. Before curing a man with a withered hand, the Lord left Pharisees in a synagogue speechless by asking if the law allowed doing something good on the Sabbath. Crowds pressed upon Jesus, trying to get near enough to touch Him in hope of healing. When we want God to speak to us in obvious ways, like Jesus' voice hea

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After John the Baptist's arrest, Jesus proclaimed the importance of repentance and belief because the time of fulfillment had arrived. Four fishermen, called by Jesus, left their nets to follow Him. Other people sought out the Lord, going so far as to break through the roof to lower a paralytic into Jesus' presence. He cured a leper, who let his excitement override Jesus' instruction not to tell anyone about the miracle. Challenges by religious leaders tested Jesus' resolve, and He can sympathize with human discouragement and weakness. Levi (Ma

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