Filled with symbolism during persecution of the early Church, the Book of Revelation admonishes lukewarm Christians to become fervent in good works, acceptance of the Word, and repentance. People told a blind, roadside beggar to stop shouting for Jesus to have pity on him, but Jesus called the man over and cured him. A wealthy tax collector named Zacchaeus climbed a tree to get a look at Jesus. After calling him down from his perch, Jesus went to Zacchaeus’ house, telling the disgruntled crowd that He came to seek the lost. Under Mosaic law, if a man died childless, a brother married the widow to produce descendants. Some Sadducees tried to refute resurrection by asking Jesus whose wife a woman would be in heaven after marrying seven brothers. When Jesus said that those who rise become like angels and do not marry, even the scribes recognized a good answer. Feeling low and lost in questions, do we try to approach the Word from the uplifting perspective of love?