In faith, Mary accepted the angel Gabriel's message. Naaman came to believe after seeking miraculous healing because he had nothing to lose, but he expected something flashier than Elisha's message to wash in the Jordan River. Jesus taught love of God and neighbor. Knowing that God does not always work in obvious ways, do we seize opportunities to do good works inconspicuously, too?

Jesus takes the ways that people treat each other personally, whether caring or ignoring, comforting or hurting. In an Old Testament story, a queen named Esther prays for strength from God to help her oppose a decree to destroy the Jewish people. Jesus taught the Disciples to pray and challenged them to become perfect in the way of the Father, who makes the sun shine on all people. This Lent, will an imperfection that we strive to overcome help others to see the Lord's love shining through us?

Jesus takes the ways that people treat each other personally, whether caring or ignoring, comforting or hurting. In an Old Testament story, a queen named Esther prays for strength from God to help her oppose a decree to destroy the Jewish people. Jesus taught the Disciples to pray and challenged them to become perfect in the way of the Father, who makes the sun shine on all people. This Lent, will an imperfection that we strive to overcome help others to see the Lord's love shining through us?

Obeying the Commandments offered only a start for a man who went away sad when Jesus advised him to do much more. When Peter wanted to know what the Apostles would receive in return for all that they had given up, Jesus spoke of both promise and persecution. Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent-a time to begin new change for the better. Matthew hosted a banquet in celebration of his call to become a Disciple. With various options on the table for what to do during Lent, do we focus on serving the Lord and nourishing faith?

Sirach, a sage in the second century before Christ, keenly observed how people reacted to adversity and gave advice. Jesus came with infinite wisdom to offer. Before healing a boy wracked with convulsions, He said that faith makes anything possible. The boy's father prayed to help his own unbelief. When the Disciples later asked why their efforts to heal the boy had failed, the Lord explained that prayer was the key. Jesus surprised the Disciples with his teachings about esteem and humble service. Instead of regarding children who came to Jesus

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Noah lived righteously, although humanity became hopelessly mired in sin after Cain, one of Adam and Eve's sons, killed his brother in rivalrous resentment. After sparing only Noah, his family, and animals in an ark, God made the rainbow a sign of His promise never to flood the world again. To address the overarching vanity of people who later decided to make a name for themselves by building a city with a sky-high tower, God confused their language. Unable to communicate with each other, the people abandoned the city of Babel and scattered. Je

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Adam and Eve disobediently ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and God banished them from the garden of Eden to prevent their eating from the tree of eternal life, too. Scribes and Pharisees saw some of Jesus' disciples skipping ritual handwashing, but the Lord taught that defilement results from evil thoughts and deeds originating within a person. Hypocritical leaders also allowed qorban, donations to the Temple treasury still available for the donor's personal use-but not for the support of aging parents. When a Gentile begged Je

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