Circle of the Heart members join because what they give matters more than what they get.

Do you want to give spiritual comfort and hope?

Welcome to Circle of the Heart, the giving club whose members donate monthly to keep Catholic Mass on TV and online.

Do you want to give in gratitude for Catholic Mass and Catholic publications available for you or someone you love?

Circle of the Heart donations provide airtime for the TV Mass and subscriptions at no charge to the large-print Prayer and Worship Guide

Do you want to give for the purpose of sharing your faith?

Instead of providing Circle of the Heart members with a certificate to frame, a coffee mug, or recognition dinner, Heart of the Nation uses the funds for our ministry.

Do you want to give but feel reluctant to make a pledge?

Heart of the Nation gratefully receives each gift, even if you do not meet your pledge.

Do you want to give spiritual comfort and hope?

Welcome to Circle of the Heart, the giving club whose members donate monthly to keep Catholic Mass on TV and online.

Do you want to give in gratitude for Catholic Mass and Catholic publications available for you or someone you love?

Circle of the Heart donations provide airtime for the TV Mass and subscriptions at no charge to the large-print Prayer and Worship Guide

Do you want to give for the purpose of sharing your faith?

Instead of providing Circle of the Heart members with a certificate to frame, a coffee mug, or recognition dinner, Heart of the Nation uses the funds for our ministry.

Do you want to give but feel reluctant to make a pledge?

Heart of the Nation gratefully receives each gift, even if you do not meet your pledge.

Here’s what you get:

  • Prayers for you as a member of Circle of the Heart
  • Choice of monthly donation envelopes or automatic giving through your credit card or checking account
  • Tax benefits of making charitable donations
  • Ability to change or cancel your pledge with just a quick call, note, or e-mail to Heart of the Nation


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